Magzter Mod APK (Premium/Gold) Download

Are you searching for Magzter Mod APK for free? If so, you can download the Magzter premium app with a gold subscription for free.




Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers


Magzter is the world’s most liked and largest newsstand which allows you to read the most popular newspaper and magazines. The app is offered by Magzter  Incorporated which has more than one million users across the world. Mazgter offers a premium subscription in which you can access more than 7500 selling magazines and newspapers. Discover stories in various categories such as automotive, business, cooking, entertainment, fashion, news, sports, lifestyle, technology, travel, and many more. The best thing about Magzter is it lets you download the stories so you can read them offline.


Features of Magzter Mod APK


1. Read your favorite newspaper and magazines anywhere.

2. Read more than 7500 newspapers and magazines.

3. Access different titles over 40 categories.

4. Download your favorite titles and read them offline.

5. Bookmark your favorite titles and quickly read them later.

6. Find and share exciting content on the Magzter community.

7. Discover premium stories from best-selling magazines.

8. Read stories and content on a premium-friendly interface.

9. Access Magzter gold subscription absolutely for free.

10. Third-party advertisements removed from the app.


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Application Information


App Name Magzter: Magazines, Newspaper
App Size 39 MB
Category Books
Developer Magzter Inc.
Users 1,000,000+
Requires Android 5.0 or up



Download Magzter Gold Mod APK


Follow the below instructions to download Magzter Gold Mod app.

  1. First, uninstall the Magzter free version app.
  2. Enable downloads from unknown sources.
  3. Download Magzter Mod APK from the link below.
  4. Install the app and read various titles for free.





What’s New in this latest version?


  • Magzter premium features are unlocked.
  • Added latest titles.
  • The user interface improved.
  • Minor crash fixes.